Differences Between Porcelain and Composite Veneers
what is a Veneer?
A dental veneer is a thin layer of composite or porcelain that is placed over the teeth to change their size, shape and color in order to obtain a beautiful smile. When veneers are used on several teeth, they allow a general change in the smile to achieve a more aesthetic appearance of the person improving their look and self-esteem.
Porcelain Veneer
Porcelain Veneer are a thin layer of ceramic that is made outside of the mouth in a dental laboratory and then glued onto the tooth to change their size, shape, and color in order to obtain a beautiful smile.
This kind of veneers can last up to twenty years and take 2-5 days on average to manufacture. Most patients need some degree of shaving of the teeth to achieve good aesthetics with porcelain veneers, which is why anesthesia is necessary.
Composite Veneers
Are a thin layer of dental resin modeled directly over the tooth to change their size, shape, and color in order to obtain a beautiful smile.
This kind of veneers can last average 5 years and take 2-5 days on average to manufacture. Most don’t need any shaving of the teeth to achieve good aesthetics, which is why anesthesia is not necessary.
Usually veneers in composite can be done in a single appointment of four to five hours, and his price is much lower than the porcelain ones.
Differences Between Porcelain and Composite Veneers
We then have one of the main differences between porcelain veneers and resin veneers, their manufacturing material. Porcelain lasts longer and is less sensitive to fracture and stains while resin is more sensitive to staining and breakage, however, composite veneers treatment has gained a lot of popularity because they are done faster, the tooth does not need to be shaved, and they are cheaper.
Another big difference between porcelain veneers and resin veneers is their price. The elaboration of porcelain veneers requires the work of several people and a dental laboratory, so they are more expensive.
Our recommendation
If you are young and have your teeth in very good condition without fillings, we recommend starting with composite veneers since this treatment is more conservative.
If you are older or your teeth are not in good condition because they have too many fillings or are very damaged, perhaps porcelain would be a better option for you since a little shaving of the teeth would not make a big difference.
Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of each of the types of dental veneers, you just have to make a decision and come to our office to let us make a beautiful smile for you.